Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"The Same Love, Same Rights"

It's mid-July and it's been hot and sticky. I am not a fan of air conditioning(that sounded funny to me) but we've had it cranking in our house for the last week. I must admit, it's not freezing and takes the humidity out of the air. The couches don't turn blue from the mold and it's cozy to sleep at night. I'm venturing into the City on Saturday for a GLBT Bridal Expo at The City Winery down on Varick Street. It's going to be a happening, I am sure. Can't wait to see how Joyful Journey Ministry is received. At the other expos I've done, I get a sidewise glance as couples rush past my table to check out the gazillion of photographers that attend. And there's the free food! Bags of giveaways! Lovely models of dresses and tuxes! I am going to love it, to be sure. The Rainbow Wedding Network is putting this on with the slogan "The Same Love, Same Rights." Yes and yes some more! The slogan on my business cards reads "There Is Only Love." As that famous English group crooned "Love is all you need." Come by and visit if you're in the City. It's 1-4 and I'll be there all day-having a lot of fun and spreading the love.