Friday, March 20, 2020

Shut In!!

A virus has hit the world that has no vaccine.  It started in China from a non-human source so the we humans have no recourse but to see it run through.  People are dying by the hour in Italy and China.  The US, through our President(who shall remain nameless) decided years go that we should return to Nationalism.  Ergo, they are not accepting test kits from countries outside of our borders.  We were warned about this oncoming virus months ago.  But the Washington smarties closed their minds and eyes to the oncoming wave and called it "fake news'.  So now we're behind the times and trying to catch up--while our citizens die.

That's my take on it.  I am pretty hopeful, however.  The times they are a changing'. We've been waiting for something to shake up the "ties" in DC.  The house and senate can't play together.  So, our Source came in and decided to mess things up for us.  There's fallout, of course.  We are paying for the time lapse.  Let's have some faith in our manufacturing industry that tests, masks, hand sanitizers ad the materials the health care industry need to take care of this who are sick from this creepy crawly virus.

I'm hanging out in my wonderful Florida condo.  Enjoying the sunshine.  I am lucky to be here during the virus of 2020.  Reading, watching movies, walking outside, riding my bike, cooking soup, loving meetings and connections online.  Shopping!!  or trying not to shop.  Loving the connections with my neighbors in our condo complex and helping each other.  Taking this day by day.  Remembering to breathe and pray many times daily.

Thanking God that my health is good and the health of my husband and family members is good, too.  Sending out white healing light and love to all of you in bogland.