Saturday, May 7, 2016


A new chapter has opened up in our lives.  Our home has been sold and we are "right-sizing" to a beautiful condo.  I'll be sad to leave this place, our home for the longest time in our marriage. We've had new grand-children brought home from the hospital to live with us, our son and his wife planned their destination wedding from these rooms and we have been blessed to have lots of great friends and family gatherings here.

The greatest joy was to have my couples meet me in my home office.  I created a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary in one of our rooms.  I think I enjoy meeting the couples when they are in their jeans, relaxed.  They open up about their engagement, how they met and what they love about each other.  We have one or two meetings, depending on the time we have to plan. I give them ideas for readings from my files after I get the "flavor" of their ceremony. I have pictures of weddings I've done around the room, some beautiful sacred items and a cozy couch for them to sit on. 

When its impossible for them to come to me, I meet couples at places that are convenient to them:  Starbucks, Paneras, diners or even a park bench will do.  I've been into the City to have dinner with some of my brides and grooms, grooms and grooms and brides and brides!  It's a joy!

I'll remember the wedding we had in our backyard, another in the dining room and a pronouncement in the living room of our home.  We asked a friend to come with us from the diner to witness a late night wedding last year.  Wherever you gather, I'm available and ready to watch you elope to a new marital status!