So, we're into this whole Pandemic thing over 50 days. Not even sure when it began-from my estimation, it was around St. Patrick's day 2020(March 17).
"Sheltering in Place" "Covid-19" "N-9 Masks" "Social Distancing" "Task Force" "Six feet apart"
Those are some of the may catch phrases that have come out of this insane virus that has killed over 60,000 Americans - or more - to date. New York and the New Jersey area has been slammed. Poor folks in nursing homes are devastated, meat packing plants all over the country, densely-inhabited pockets of Florida have been hit. We're all in this mess together. In the New York suburb where I come from, the neighboring town of Brentwood has had the highest number of Covid-related cases. Why? The folks are poor-have to work in horrible situations to feed their families and have many immigrants who are "forced" to go to work at their jobs. How have these folks fared? They have gone to work, caught the virus on their way to or from home, or from a co-worker and brought it home to their family. Many hospital workers have had to send their families away so they don't infect them when they're done with their shifts. The front line folks have risked their lives and the lives of those who they love for the sick. It's a horror.
I'm praying daily for this to stop. Test Test Test, find a way to immunize all the millions of people in the US? This may take months. Will we have the stamina to wait it out? I feel that we're a large group who don't really know what hardship really is. We don't remember the Depression. We've forgotten about the Viet Nam War when so many were lost. We are so spoiled that we can't wait to break out and go out to a place to eat, rather than follow our conscience and wait just a few more weeks.
We're not saints. We've been out and about, going to the grocery store and playing golf down here in Florida. I play scared. I'm not comfortable with the situation. The beaches just opened and they are packed!!!! I'm not going near them in the heat of the day. I'm reading, reaching out to people, zooming and doing too much eating!
If you're reading this in the future, remember what the world was going through in 2020. Be careful.
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