Monday, January 17, 2011

Thank you, Martin!

On this anniversary of the birth of Rev. King, we remember that freedom isn't free.
How many have sacrificed their lives, through wars here or in foreign lands, to keep us free.

When I think of the individuals that stepped up to the plate to
be heard, I am in awe. I want to be able to be that person that isn't fearful or embarrassed to help someone cross the street or a person who isn't afraid to stand
for what I know is Truth. Yes, bigotry and racial hatred is alive and well in this country. After hundreds of years, we still look down at others who are different. The phrase "Who's got it better than us?" comes to my heart. We have financial difficulties in our country, yes, but that doesn't mean that we grab for our neighbors stuff or hate them because they have more than we have!

I know that someday, Martin's words will come to fruition. He had a Dream!
He saw things that needed to be changed. Our leader, President Obama, is
making those changes, but they have to be done with diplomacy and slowly
in the world of politics. But we can do our bit--just small steps that add up-
to make changes in the world around us.

As Janice said "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose". So
what do we have to lose? Stand up for Freedom, for Martin, John, Bobby, even
Gabbie and those who died in Tucson last week.

I'm grateful that I can stand and be counted today. Thank you, Martin!

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