Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Some new awarenesses are cropping up----again! So, where do I go with all of this new info?
To the Source, first and then to one of my "God In Skin" friends.

I always get what I need when I come clean with some new tidbits that roll around in my brain. If I could see inside my head, I'd be aghast at all the clutter! So I need a periodic
interior washing. It's great to go on retreats, sitting on a beach or mountain reflecting
on the "stuff" in my head. I journal and talk, walk and pray. But, what happens when
the light is shone on some stuff and there's no beach or mountain to seek out? I can pick
up a phone and dial. I can pick up my cell and text. I can chat it away on Face Book. Or
just write down a few lines on an email and it gets it out. "Up and Out" is a mantra I often use.

We humans are blessed with brains that hold so much stuff! The music I carry around in my head, the conversations I had that stick(for no reason at all)in my head for centuries, books and movies, great memories and sad events that happen. All are part of the mosaic that is US!

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